Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I is for Imp

As used in English vocab, an imp is a mischievous, troublemaking child. It refers to the mythical creature from fairy stories. An imp is a small fairy or gremlin-like character who spends a lot of time pulling jokes and hanging out in the underworld. Unlike other meddling underworld creatures, imps have a certain innocence about them. This little blurb from Wikipedia reminds me of some of my past students - don't tell them!
"Imps were often portrayed as lonely little creatures always in search of human attention. They often used jokes and pranks as a means of attracting human friendship, which often backfired when people became tired or annoyed of the imp's endeavors, usually driving it away."
So don't mind the imp's misbehavior. It's just a screen for needing attention. Not that they'd do anything seriously troubling...
"Most of the time, the pranks were harmless fun, but some could be upsetting and harmful, such as switching babies."

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